Decision of the Bureau: 17.COM 3.BUR 3

The Bureau,

  1. Having examined document LHE/22/17.COM3.BUR/3 and its annexes,
  2. Takes note of the request by Ukraine to examine the nomination ‘Culture of Ukrainian borscht cooking’ (initially submitted for possible inscription on the Representative List) for inscription on the Urgent Safeguarding List as a case of extreme urgency in the sense of Article 17.3 of the Convention;
  3. Further notes that in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 32 of the Operational Directives, the Bureau is to establish a procedure, on a case-by-case basis, to treat this request with particular focus on inscription criteria U.2(b) and U.6;
  4. Invites Ukraine to submit any additional information in addition to what has been provided, particularly as regards inscription criteria U.2(b) and U.6, before 13 June 2022, and requests the Secretariat to include the information in the nomination file, in consultation with the submitting State;
  5. Further requests the 2022 Evaluation Body to evaluate the nomination file, during its June meeting, with specific consideration of inscription criteria U.2(b) and U.6 and provide its recommendation to the Bureau before 28 June 2022;
  6. Decides to meet again, as soon as possible after the June meeting of the Evaluation Body, in order to take stock of the progress of the process, review the recommendation of the Evaluation Body and discuss the next steps to bring the nomination to the Committee for its examination.
